Strong, enduring relationships.
Our relationships with landowners are long lasting because they are built on mutual respect and common goals. We use our extensive experience and understanding of market dynamics to locate projects where they are most likely to succeed.
Our approach enables landowners to sell property at attractive values for funds to be reinvested elsewhere or to lease their property to diversify farm income. Landowners have direct access to a REV partner throughout negotiations, project development and operations.
Delivering results.
REV’s ongoing role as an owner/operator empowers us to build projects the right way, for the long term. Our successful track record of completing projects begins with having realistic conversations about how many years it will likely take before construction can begin, informed by our 30+ years of experience with how the regulatory approval process works.
Our team will regularly communicate with you throughout all phases of the project development process. Our goals are aligned and we endeavor to deliver a successful project that benefits all parties involved: landowners, the surrounding community, the regional electric grid, and most of all, our collective future in a cleaner, greener environment.